Award to Matija Ferlinu on a festival in Novi Sad (RS)

Award to Matija Ferlinu for incredible expressiveness at the liminal zone between theater and other arts and for his creations in the broadest sense.
Award to Matija Ferlinu for incredible expressiveness at the liminal zone between theater and other arts and for his creations in the broadest sense.
Hereby you are kindly invited on a special performance by Loup Abramovici, Maja Delak, Claudia Fancello, Matija Ferlin, Janez Janša, Luka Prinčič, Maja Smrekar, Maja Šorli and Urška Vohar that is accessible on-line live on Friday, 21 June 2013 at 8pm. This selected team will engage on-line with you who will select and suggest various scenes to those performers, musicians, programmers and visual artists. Follow instructions on
Performance The Taste of Silence Always Resonates by Irena Tomažin is selected for the 48th Maribor Theater Festival. We are looking forward to another re-run in October!
Kindly invited to collaboration on internet platoform IDOCDE. IDOCDE is an on-line platform for dancers, dance educators and creators.
Maja Delak and Luka Prinčič won Zlata ptica Award for 2012.