Luka Prinčič (1977) is a musician, sound designer and media artist. He has been writing music, creating sound art, performing, and manipulating new media in various ways since mid-’90s. He specialises in computer music, elaborated funk beats, immersive soundscapes, incidental music for live arts & video, and digital media experiments.
He’s been active as an artist, organizer, DJ, radio host, and curator since late mid-90s on the local computer music scene. He is a founder of netlabel Kamizdat in 2005, a year where he actively participated at Creative Commons Slovenia festival (Festival ustvarjalnosti 05). Since 2009 he is active at the Emanat Instutute where he takes multiple roles: technical manager for sound, video, and IT, new media art and music artistic director and executive producer, and performer in stage productions.
As a composer he worked with numerous artists, including Maja Delak, Matija Ferlin, Borut Savski, Marko Košnik, and many more.
His livecoding performance has been described as “an experience of pure computer music, drawing on the heritage of IDM and contemporary experimental currents, creating cinematic ambient soundworlds that evoke a sense of loneliness in cyberspace.” (J. Bužinel).
His release “Pacification” under Wanda & Nova deViator moniker has been described as “skilfully traversing the boundaries between serious artistic and raving club discourse”. Furthermore, his work with Maja Delak was described as “energetically charged, with a cutting, even punk or underground poetics” and “extremely fresh interplay of different practices from the field of theatre, dance, music and intermedia art” (Liberal Academy’s Golden Bird Award). In 2013 he was awarded with Ksenija Hribar award for his sound design for performances in the field of contemporary dance.
He performed at festivals like Ars Electronica (Linz), MENT (Ljubljana), EMAF (Osnabrueck), AMRO (Linz), Netmage (Bologna) and Trouble (Brussels), worked at Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (Ljudmila) and local hackerspace CyberPipe (Ljubljana), exhibited at Kapelica Gallery, Museum of Modern Art and MSUM Ljubljana, and travelled with his work all across Europe and further (New York and New Zealand).
Luka Prinčič is passionate about free software, science fiction, social awareness, critical expressions and peculiarity of contemporary human condition.
Selected Works
2023 Algoforte 4 (MENT, Cukrarna, Ljubljana)
2022 Algoforte 3 (FARM, Klub Cankarjevega doma, Ljubljana)
2022 Brief Introduction to Piano is Forte Memory (on-the-fly, ZKM, Karlsruhe)
2018 Jitakami v.2018
2016 Interface Fractures IV: IF4Q – audio-visual performance
2015 Interface Fractures III: SILICON – audio-visual performance
2015 Wanda & Nova deViator: ARP 339 (co-author: Maja Delak)
2014 Interface Fractures II: METAL – audio-visual performance
2013 Interface Fractures – audio-visual performance
2013 Transmittance #2.5 (co-author: Maja Delak and other collaborators)
2012 Transmittance #2.1 (co-author: Maja Delak and other collaborators)
2011 Transmittance #1, #1.5, #2 (co-authors: Maja Delak and other collaborators)
2011 Sublimation Revision (co-author: Maja Delak)
2010 Transmittance #0 (co-author: Maja Delak)
2010 Wanda & Nova deViator: Frozen Images (co-author: Maja Delak)
2009 “fiberoptikal”, solo performance
2009 Une façon d'aimer/Ways of Love (co-author: Maja Delak)
2008 Schizogram – audiovisual performance (co-author with Luka Dekleva)
2008 Body of the Interface, solo performance
2007 Restrospections: Maya Deren, audio-visual performance
2006 Oscillations (30 days of sound), sound performance
Audio Releases:
2023 algoforte 03a
2022 Luka Prinčič in ala pecula: a space process
2022 xenotopic.networks
2022 Technoburlesque: Image Snatchers 3
2020 ark/d, amorphic
2019 Of Judy Stroat
2018 Technoburlesque: Image Snatchers 2
2018 Antigone / Child
2018 Entropy EP
2017 Albatross EP
2016 Requiem for the Future
2016 Transmittance #1.5 (so-avtorstvo: Maja Delak)
2016 Nova deViator: Turns Me On EP
2016 Wanda & Nova deViator: Recursion EP
2015 Wanda & Nova deViator: ARP 339
2014 The Invisible Body of Space
2014 Image Snatchers EP
2013 Sad Sam Lucky Outtakes
2013 Wanda & Nova deViator: Pacification
2008 Leopoldina Istanbul Pilgrimage
2006 Gizikomori and Other Fluffy Animals, Shizto Brejki, Rudirudi
2004 Z Spavatsky d0
2002 Prechange by Loosebot, Wong Quantas by Loosebot, Lost Druids by Loosebot
2001 Expression Front, Z veseljem
2000 One Out of Five Memories, Synthetic and Aesthetic Transitions
1999, Missessions by Loosebot
Music for dance/theatre performance:
2022 Technoburlesque: Image Snatchers 3 (authors: The Feminalz)
2021 Sad Sam Matthäus (avtor: Matija Ferlin)
2018 Just for today (author: Maja Delak)
2018 Technoburlesque: Image Snatchers 2 (authors: The Feminalz)
2018 Staging a Play: Antigone (author: Matija Ferlin)
2017 Staging a Play: Tartuffe (author: Matija Ferlin)
2015 Staging a Play: Glass Menagery (author Matija Ferlin)
2013 What If (author: Maja Delak)
2013 Image Snatchers - technoburlesque, ongoing
2012 Sad Sam Lucky (author: Matija Ferlin)
2011 Shame (author: Maja Delak)
2010 Beside-ness (author: Maja Delak)
2009 Monster Tamer (author: Maja Delak)
2008 Serata Artistica Giovanile (author: Maja Delak)
Intermedia installations:
2009 Intimate Supression (in collaboration with Mehmetcan Serinkaya)
2008 Let me stream (in collaboration with Luka Dekleva and Elena Fajt)
2008 Brain TV (collaboration on intermedia installation by Maja Smrekar)
2007 Waves in Public: Squares
2008 “ spaces, sensitive forcefulness...", solo exhibition
2008 Intermediate Spaces – group exhibition
2006 Interrupted Histories – group exhibition
2005 "95'05 Slovene Art 1995–2005, Territories, Identitities, Nets - group exhibition
2002 Music for Hard Disks - solo exhibition
Radio & DJ:
2008-2012 Fragments of a Deviant, sound-art experimental radio show at Radio Študent (43 emissions)
1998-2006 ElektroBlef, presentational radio show about net-audio
1998-2015 clubnights FreakZone, Nu Elektronica, Edge-Dept, Zarobotko, Deviant Funk