Kamizdat Rentgen: Lifecutter, Ursula Sereghy
true love affair with saturated frequencies, glitchy anomalies and distorted patinas, exploring the extremes of aggressive electronic music
true love affair with saturated frequencies, glitchy anomalies and distorted patinas, exploring the extremes of aggressive electronic music
Collective The Feminalz continuously develops the evenings of technoburlesque. In the Image Snatchers Present series, members of the group take a closer look at one of their technoburlesque characters. It’s time for Mad Jakale.
"Hidden Adriatic" is an immersive sonic exploration crafted by the collaborative process of artists Manja Ristić and Robertina Šebjanič
the virtuosity of drag, cabaret and neoburlesque
live presentation of this year's two albums
summer event accompanying the Netlabel Day 2023 release Access Frame: Xenophoby
exchange and map experiences and knowledge in Eastern European sound queer feminist territories
(post)Internet-indie%live_action?tragi-bizarre tale?
live coding, electronic, experimental music