“Kamizdat Rentgen” is a glance under the surface of the skin, a look into the fleshy entwinement of bones, muscles and nerves that shape the heterogeneity of the sound bodies. It is a series of music events organized by Kamizdat to increase the visibility of adventurous music makers who dare to venture into the territories where no one had been before. The events are often closely connected with the label’s new releases.


Kamizdat Rentgen: BUKA VS RAANE

Klub Gromka, Ljubljana, SI

the resistance of noise, rhythmic beats and deep bass that oscillate, shake and pulse between past and present

Kamizdat Rentgen: Lifecutter, Ursula Sereghy

Channel Zero, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, SI

true love affair with saturated frequencies, glitchy anomalies and distorted patinas, exploring the extremes of aggressive electronic music

Kamizdat Rentgen: dvidevat, Dadaeast, DVNT PHNK

Klub Gromka, Ljubljana, SI

dvidevat will make you dance with her version of Detroit electro, while Dadaeast returns with his own blend of the programmed and the organic in a mixture of hip hop, breakbeat, sampledelia, electro