Kamizdat proudly presents the release of the debut album by the band Sujevera and invites you to a concert presentation upon its release; into a layered sound ritual of electroacoustic, drone and ambient experimental music, where noise with melodiousness, hushed hums and strange harmonic spectra, hidden chants, voices, incantations, invocations and evocations of the past and current, spiritual, folk, living, are looped between different intoxicating layers. shadowy, mystical and concrete, scary and strangely inviting. Umdhlebi will spice up their timeless sound (with) music in the bitter here and now with the performance of his post-apocalyptic drone.
The unconventional quartet Sujevera consists of; former members of the Kikimore collective Nina Orlić and Barbara Poček, Urška Preis and Luka Seliškar. They don't throw salt over their left shoulder before performances. In any case, they create a sense of the mystical with their music. They started creating together for the first time, at Urška's invitation to the Dvocikel residency in Layerjeva house, in October 2020 in Kranj. Old acquaintances from different musical circles joined the band and started creating, mixing and flirting with different improvisation techniques. Their current range of musical instruments includes everything from Barbara and Nina's DIY instruments, Urška's harp, various effects and sounds, and Luko's drumming and sound manipulations. They skilfully interweave them in an improvised, multi-layered composition that reflects their love for ear-teasing and unusual sounds. Their performances are based on pre-arranged musical building blocks, which serve as the basis of the composition, within which there remains enough room for improvisation. They move between t. i. experimental, abstractly dark ambient sequences with electronic music technology and electroacoustic modulation and noisy improvisation. With looping, modulation, distortion, rhythmic playing, drumming, noise and everything in between, they subject us to musical mischief that lulls the listener into the mythologies of noise.
Umdhlebi is the sound embodiment of hatred towards civilization and our culture. He praises industrial collapse and the end of civilized man. Umdhlebi supports violence against all forms of government, because the terrorists of today are the heroes of the future. Noise is protest, not art!
Tickets: 5 €
Online purchase of tickets: https://tix.emanat.si/
Information: info@emanat.si
''Kamizdat Rentgen'' is a glance under the surface of the skin, a look into the fleshy entwinement of bones, muscles and nerves that shape the heterogeneity of the sound bodies. It is a series of music events organized by Kamizdat to increase the visibility of adventurous music makers who dare to venture into the territories where no one had been before. The events are often closely connected with the label’s new releases.
Produced by Emanat
Co-organisation: Cukrarna Gallery
Financial support: Ministry of Culture RS, City of Ljubljana
Previous events
- , Cukrarna, Ljubljana, SI