Zrinka Užbinec (HR): Whatever Dance Toolbox

Whatever Dance Toolbox is a suite of free software tools designed to assist in generating, developing, analyzing and rehearsing choreographic work.

BAD co: Whatever Dance Toolbox foto/photo by: Tomislav Medak


Whatever Dance Toolbox is a product of a long-standing research-oriented collaboration around computer-dancer interaction between BADco. and German human-machine interface developer and artist Daniel Turing. It is a suite of free software tools designed to assist in generating, developing, analyzing and rehearsing choreographic work.
Simply put, the tools employ three different types of visual analysis, delay, reverse-play and slow motion function together with prolonged exposition function to allow dancers and choreographers to study and complexify their movements and relations.
Understanding how the machine sees space and movement, working with divided attention, understanding the importance of conscious decision making in dance improvisation, approaching improvisation in terms of montage, learning to use technology for the sake of analysis and change in movement quality and reinventing the quality of relations to other bodies in space are only some practical aspects that can be addressed with the help of Toolbox. Regardless of the fact that we developed the Toolbox for the purpose of dance analysis it proved to be equally inspiring to people outside the dance field. One of the reasons for that is that instead of explaining dance only as expression of the dancer's self or as self-referring choreographic object, the Toolbox brings to light relational aspects and procedurality of thinking in dance.
During this workshop Zrinka Užbinec (dancer/choreographer from BADco.)  will make an introduction into how the Toolbox works, explain basic concepts that arose from the experience of working with it as well as provide the participants with elementary knowledge of the possibilities of its practical application in and outside the dance field.


Zrinka Užbinec is a dancer and performer with interest in choreography. She is a member of performance collective BADco. and has been, until 2013., one of the coordinators of Experimental Free Scene (ekscena), an independent organization established to promote contemporary dance and other forms of performing arts. She has finished School for Contemporary Dance “Ana Maletić” and has participated in many dance workshops in Croatia and abroad. Her work experience includes collaborations with authors and groups like: Oliver Frljić, Llinkt!, Marmot / Irma Omerzo, OOUR, Rajko Pavlić, Matija Ferlin, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld. She has coauthored several dance projects. Often giving classes in contemporary dance, she also holds workshops with other BADco. members in Croatia and abroad. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb.


The workshop will take place at PSEGSL / SVŠGL, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A.


Fee for the 2 day workshop is 40 €.
Please send the applications on praktikum.svsgl@gmail.com.
Enrolments are possible from Monday to Thursday from 6.15 PM untill 8 PM in Pre-School Education and Grammar School Ljubljana, in the dance-theatre hall, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A, Ljubljana. We kindly ask you to pay the fee before the beginning of the workshop.


Program was proposed in collaboration of two programmes: Agon and Practicum in Contemporary Art

Previous events

  1. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  2. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI