We will explore the body in motion and in stillness based on listening/awareness/reading the body in terms of anatomy, body symmetry, rhythm of body, space, effort, perseverance, stabilization, specific emotion, tension, touch... Body is content and means of communication. Seeing it, hearing it, feeling it. Workshop is suitable for different types of bodies and skills.
Gregor Luštek was born 1973 in Novo mesto. He studied at Faculty of sports. He is creating in the field of theatre and dance as a dancer, choreographer and assistant director. As well as actor when needed. He received Trdin's Prize of the Municipality of Novo mesto, Župančič's Award of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Prize of the Prešeren's Fund, and several foreign choreographic awards. His motto: the body speaks, we need to listen.
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A
You can enroll for the full year programme or buy a 10 classes ticket. More informations at praktikum.svsgl@gmail.com
Previous events
- , SVŠGL, plesna galerija, Ljubljana, SI (zaradi bolezni odpade)
- , SVŠGL, plesna galerija, Ljubljana, SI (odpade)
- , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI