Emanat is starting its season with a full swing. Before you get overbooked let us invite you to some of our events, such as Image Snatchers and Thinging, presenation of the two new sound releases in the series of events Kamizdat Rentgen.
Moved by Voice will be part of the festival Pelzverkehr in Klagenfurt, Austria and Antigone is programed at the festival Dance Inn in Zagreb, Croatia. In the process of making his new work Jan Rozman and his collaborators will reside in Svetvinčenat, Croatia for a week. Emanat is continuing with educational program as well. Maja Delak will mentor young artists in the frame of the project PARL, which will also include open lectures and public presentations of the artists. Following October workshops for children adn adults will againg be taking place. Follow Emanat's news or subscribe for the Newsletter.
Kindly invited!