Henry Montes (UK): Contemporary class

attuning ourselves to our internal environment and how space externally is a continuum of our breath and support

Henry Montes arhiv/archive: Henry Montes


Class will consist of directions, puzzles and open explorations (sometimes with a partner) attuning ourselves to our internal environment, how the organs support our structure and how the fluids underlie tone and availability for movement and spontaneity, and  how space externally is a continuum of our breath and support. By giving our curiosity the reign to inquire of ourselves in our shifting environment we ground our bodies/psyches in present time. Class will conclude with set material often using improvisation.


Henry Montes is a freelance dance maker, performer and teacher. He has performed for many independent choreographers and companies in New York and Europe including Susanne Linke, Reinhild Hoffmann, Keely Garfield, Kirstie, Simson, KJ Holmes, Gaby Agis, Charles Linehan, Rosemary Butcher, Joan Davis, Liz Roche and Jonathan Burrows. Henry performed with Siobhan Davies Dance from 1998- 2009 and was awarded the 2003 Critics Circle National Dance Award for Outstanding Male Artist. He continues to study Yoga and the Alexander Technique and is a registered Craniosacral Therapist.


SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A


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Previous events

  1. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  2. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI