Luka Prinčič: ark/d, amorphic


Luka Prinčič: ark/d, amorphic Luka Prinčič

Prinčič's new edition of "ark / d, amorphic" consists of a non-linear sound story, the elements of which are united by the search for the element of amorphousness and the absence of form. An uninterrupted journey that occasionally only hints at repetitive pulsations, but mostly walks through diverse sonic fields that offer eavesdropping on the darker aspects of man’s inner being. Otherwise, in the form of one long composition, inter-sonic research is divided into several chapters, and the entire composition is also available in source / open source. Deliberately in small initials, the title alludes to a minority philosophy that seeks a world in the shadows of the spectacle, is against the domination of the majority and the megalomania of post-objectification. The title of the issue is "ark / d, amorphic".


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Financially supported by City Municipality of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture RS

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