The Snatchers want you!


Tatovi podob / Image Snatchers Foto / Photo: Domen Ulbl Photography

Emanat's technoburlesque Image Snatchers, a corporeal exploration of (pop) artistic forms balancing on the thin line between entertainment and critique, satire and tragedy, music and dance, feminism and strip-teasm, is looking for new, short'n'sweet stage interventions that are politically incorrect enough to take the plunge and goof around with other Snatchers.

If you are no stranger to dancing, singing, clowning, burlesque, post queer cabaret, and tongue-in-cheek subversion of topical contemporary phenomena, if you want everyone to see the imitation of your favourite star, if you don't take yourself too seriously, and if you can't do without the disco stuff, apply today!

Send your application with a short CV and a brief description of your idea to until 9 February 2020. Add a photo, a short video, or present your idea in a way that suits you best. Or get advice from your favourite Snatcher. Selected “entities” will rehearse with the Snatchers on 24 February and on 2, 16 and 23 March, and will have the chance to share the stage with Image Snatchers on 26 March in Klub Gromka at AKC Metelkova.

Be whatever you want to be and shine on stage with the Snatchers!