SuperCollider is a platform for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition used by musicians, artists and researchers working with sound. It is free and open source software available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
In the 8-part introductory workshop, there will be an equal emphasis on both the game and understanding the basics of programming. Along the way, we will also touch on some of the basics of digital sound and electronic music production. The workshop will take place entirely online via the Big Blue Button platform.
It is aimed primarily at women, trans and non-binary people, and follows the desire to create a safe space for them. Participation is free, no previous experience is required. Serious motivation for attendance through most meetings and an affinity for learning new programming languages is desirable.
Luka Prinčič is a musician, sound designer and media artist. He has been writing music, creating sound art, performing, and manipulating new media in various ways since mid-’90s. He specialises in computer music, elaborated funk beats, immersive soundscapes, incidental music for live arts & video, and digital media experiments.
Practical information
When and where
Workshop will take place online every Wednesday from 3 March to 21 April 2021, at 19:00. Send us your application along with short motivation to info@emanat.si before 28 February 2021. After recieving your application we will send you all technical information as well as the link to the online classroom.
Previous events
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